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The Book Nook

Le Coin Lecture

Curl up and grab one of these books to help you navigate the work that's ahead.

This list is meant to help, challenge, and encourage discussions around DEI, Anti-Racism and Emerging Leadership practices. 

May 1, 2022

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Wolfpack by Abby Wambach

What's this about?

Former co-captain of the US Women's soccer team, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and holder of the world record for the most international goals for both female and male soccer players, Abby Wambach shares in this book the personal experiences on and off the field that inspired her to reimagine leadership and rewrite eight old rules that are used to keep women in their place. With this book, Abby's message to all women is: you were never Little Red Riding Hood, you were always the wolf. We must venture off the path and blaze a new way, together!



Creative Leadership, Empowerment, Change, Innovative Thinking


What We Liked

The book is a very quick read. In 91 small pages, Wambach manages to pack clear messaging, relevant and relatable life experiences and SO MUCH emotion, it's hard not to read it in one sitting. It explores different faces of what leadership can look like, especially for women, without leaving us feeling foolish or resorting to become ice sculptures to gain respect from our peers. Her rules are clear and most are actionable, but also nuanced. With the advice coming from a lifetime athlete, if you have ever practiced any sport the advice will hit just a little different in the best way. 


Our Favourite Rules: 2) Be Grateful AND Ambitious; 3) Lead from the Bench; 5) Champion Each Other (if you haven't heard, we're huge fans of collaboration and lifting each other up); 6) Demand The Ball.


What this book is : a rally-cry, an inspirational rewrite of old school rules women are subjected to in every aspect of their lives from Wambach's personal and professional perspective.


What this book isn't : a step-by-step how-to book on becoming a better leader. We love that in no way does this book pretend to be what it's not. Wambach tells her story and her approach to reimagining what leadership can look like for women. 


Why You Should Read This

If you feel stuck as a leader and want to know what is keeping you tied down, this book may have some insights that can give you the push you need to get out of your rut. There might be some unsaid, buried restlessness and pent up frustrations that you have yet to unpack in your work and personal life. This book, in its very direct way, will offer a few opportunities to poke yourself to get to what's really bothering you about where you are at in life and what your relationship to leadership looks like.


Quick Quote

"power and success are not pies. A bigger slice for one woman doesn't mean a smaller slice for another. We believe that love, justice, success, and power are infinite and meant to be accessible to all. Revolutions are won with collective action." p.59 Rule 5: Champion Each Other


Get the Gist

Listen to Abby talk about her book and her approach to leadership on Brené Brown's Dare to Lead Podcast.


How does it fare?

“WOLFPACK is a must-read for all of us determined to teach our kids there are no limits. It’s a manifesto for everyone trying to lead—whether it’s a team, a company, a family, or a meaningful life. For those of us who strive to do it all and know there must be a better way, WOLFPACK’s New Rules are the answer."
- Serena Williams, 23 Grand Slam Winner & Olympic Gold Medalist


"I have not read a more important book. Honest, smart, and 100% actionable. This book has the power to change the way you show up. And that changes everything."

- Brené Brown, PhD

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